Unifying DublinThe issues that are facing our city impact the entire city, and the solutions must include both sides of town. I bring respectful dialog and the art of listening back to our city. Solutions are not be found when people don’t listen to each other or treat each other’s opinions with respect. We are a single city with only a rhetorical divide between West Dublin and East Dublin. I will continue to meet with any resident who wants to meet with me, and answer all emails from residents who have questions or suggestions. It is only when we get to know each other that we can move forward together.
This November, for the first time, Dublin residents will elect their Councilmembers by district. While all residents get to vote for Mayor, only residents in districts 1 and 3 will vote for a their Councilmember this year. (The district map, which is different from the DUSD districts, can be found here.) It is extremely important to me that all Councilmember, regardless of the district from which they were elected, remember that they represent the entire city. One of my main goals as Mayor will be to maintain the unity of the City through this transition. I will do that by modeling civility, active listening, and attempting to reach decisions by consensus not just majority rule. [Return to Issues] |